Even though this whole social distancing / isolation / self quarantine thing can be a super bummer, it’s our responsibility to stay home to do our part to help stop the spread of Coronavirus. As an introvert, I never thought having to stay home would be such a struggle, but I’m finding out that staying in bed all day really might not be all that great for my mental health… Who knew? So, I’ve compiled this list of a few activities most anyone can do in their own homes. At the very least, I hope this blog post keeps you entertained for a few short minutes.
Do yoga. Yoga with Adriene has some great videos online that you can follow along to. Clean out your pantry/cupboards. Let’s be real… it’s probably been a while. Cook something new. Now that you have a solid inventory of what’s in your pantry, see what you can create out of what you have. Bonus: this also helps you avoid going to the store, which is a terrifying excursion at the moment. Play your instrument. Guitar, piano, whatever you may have in your home. If you don’t have an instrument, sing a song. Write a song. Who knows, maybe you’re the next Ed Sheeran, and you never would have found out if you hadn’t read this inspiring blog post while you were in self-isolation. Read a book. I can’t be the only one who owns multiple books I haven’t yet read, right? Learn a dance. Upload it to TikTok. Shop online. I consider it my duty as a citizen to support the economy during this tough time. At least that’s what I tell myself as I fork over my credit card information for new pretties. Take out your trash. Any excuse to set foot outdoors, right? Clean out your closet. If it doesn’t spark joy, you don’t need it in your life. Take photos. You may not be able to go to “Instaworthy” locations, but you can always take some AeStHeTiC shots in your home. I recommend checking out @jnaydaily for inspiration. File your taxes. Sure the deadline was extended, but it’s still got to happen sometime. Binge on Disney Channel Original Movies. Cheetah-licious. Journal. If the world really does come to an end because of all this, at least the aliens will have your journals as record.
4/8/2020 05:07:07 pm
I like the ideas of photos and music. I don’t know what it would take to motivate me to clean out my closet, but someday. Thanks for the good ideas.
4/8/2020 05:09:32 pm
Perhaps you could list catching up on your favorite bloggers sites.
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About the blog.I started this blog in 2017 with the goal of seeing all the U.S. National Parks and writing about them. But as I kept writing and posting, I realized there's so much more I want to document in my life. So, the blog grew into something much broader and even more special to my heart. Archives.
January 2022